This isn't a race report but it might be even better. If you are not exactly a spring chicken, you might really enjoy it.
As you know, I've been doing some core training on the advice of PT guy. I was feeling a little bad because I am not as loyal as I should be, but I am definitely getting some done and can tell I am getting stronger. So, I visited PT guy today. We chat about strength and I say I'm not feeling like it is coming along like it should. He say's, "let's see a plank." I drop and give him the best plank of my life, had to be way over a minute. I do a few side ones and some other stuff, then give him one more mighty fine plank, some hanging and stretching, blah, blah, blah. He was very impressed with my improved strength.
PT guy and I are chatting and this little intern chickie is sort of observing. He says something about a facet which I had heard of but wasn't sure what it is. He tells and shows me on a skeleton, then starts asking Intern Chickie a few anatomy questions as we are chatting and talking about my situation. She stumbles around in her 18 year old speak. (And for you boys, yes, she was totally hot.) He gives her crap for stumbling around cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, etc. Then I think it turned into giving her crap about her workout. She was saying how hard it was, how hard she worked, blah blah.
PT guy says, "Oh yeah, you worked so hard, I bet you can't do a plank for longer than Nancy just did." They go back and forth a couple times and before you know it, he has her talked into doing a plank. I'm thinking he was just going to time her, but I was like, "what the hell." I dropped and did my 3rd plank for the day. PT Guy was so funny, egging her on. First, she started with her body barely off the floor and he made her fix it.
Pt Guy "Look at Nancy, her form is perfect. Look she's shaking already! Eighteen years old and Nancy is kicking your butt"
Nancy "EIGHTEEN??? She's EIGHTEEN?? Do you know how old I am? 30 days left until I am 40!"
PT Guy "Nancy, you are rockin, you are doing great, you totally have this."
By now, old man in corner is grinning, PT Girl is watching and all PT assistants and various old lady patients are watching the competition. Once I heard she was 18 and saw that she was shaking, there is no way you could have gotten me to drop that plank before she did.
PT Guy "30 seconds"
Chickie - "Yeah right, only 30 seconds?"
PT Guy "Yes, and you are totally shaking, 38 seconds, she's totally got you."
"Nanc, keep your head up, your form is awesome, look at how perfect her form is and it's her 3rd rep! You've got it, come on Nancy, hold on"
Her form started to break down and sometime after one minute, Hot Pink Sweatered Intern Chickie collapsed. I rolled over and put up the big double pumping V for victory!! The bantering continued about this being my 3rd rep and Intern Chickie supposedly being the big work out girl.
Nancy "This is totally going in my blog, you know."
PT Guy was laughing his butt off and said, "this SO has to go in your blog, her name is _________!"
After she left, PT Guy made me feel even better. She works out with some really tough trainer and is on some elite athletic teams. He was so proud of me and I was so proud of myself. I used to hate planks but I'm guessing I will be doing them pretty regularly now. This gave me so much confidence and it was as fun as any race I've done! Chalk one up for the old gal.