Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Saturday 10 mile bike ride - check

Sunday 40 minute walk - check

Monday rest and have some carbs (read that green beer) - check to the rest, and check, check to the beer(s).

Gear - triple checked

Nerves - so far, in check


Wes said...

Check, check, CHEEEECCCKKKK!!! :-) Onward to glory!!

J~Mom said...

YES!!!!!! You know how I love that carb loading part! :>D

Tri+Umph said...

Someone's going to RROOOCCKKKK IIIITTTT!

And by "IIIITTTT" I mean "MY FACE OFF"

chia said...

You seriously crack me up :-). Hope the carb loading helps!

Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Nice.... Keep the checks coming.

David said...

Beer has carbs and water in it, so you hydrated and fueled! And green beer must have vitamins in it, or mom wouldn't have insisted we finish our greens, right?

You're gonna do awesome, and have so much fun. Not saying it will be easy, but I am saying it will be rewarding. Can't wait to hear about it!

Marcy said...


Bev said...

GOOOOOO NANCCCCCYYYY! Picture all of us on the side lines cheering you on. Can't wait to hear how you smashed it. Have fun.

J said...

I loved your lipstick comment you left on Kathryn's blog! LOL!

Razz said...

I love checking beer...even when I'm not in training.

Viv said...

CHECK running to the report!

Johnsonteec said...

Nice.... Keep the checks coming.