Monday, March 10, 2008

What do Paperbags, Bricks and Wills Have in Common?

Thanks, everyone, for your unbelievably supportive comments and (probably ill-placed) confidence in me to do my first Tri. I've had some great suggestions, too, many of which I have taken.

1. paperbag breathing ~ Zanne ~ definitely a, and took Friday off for good measure!

2. do a brick for some confidence building ~ Doug and Amy ~ a. Yippee!! I can do this.

3. make out a will ~ that zinger compliments of my arch nemesis ~ I better work on this one.

4. hire someone to do it for you ~ Jess, that is not totally out of the question yet! :D

5. My guess is that you will not regret this ~ Neese, I sure hope you are right.

4 miles ~ 47:23 ~ 11:51 pace

Signed up for my first indoor tri ~ mostly paper bag breathing :D

Brick -- ooos and ahs...
7 miles ~ 25:14
2 miles ~ 23:25 ~ 11:42 pace

Off - major Rock Band party, mostly overeating and belting out songs I have no business singing.

5 miles on the Treadmill with Oprah
1:00:20 ~ 12:04 pace'


E said...

You can so do it!

J~Mom said...

Yes, it IS going to be fun!!!!!

Wes said...

ROFL... Piece of cake. You are going to be a fine triathlete :-) I just knows it :-D

Amy said...

Nancy, it is going to be fine! I wish I could come and do it with you!

ws said...

you can hire me if it comes with accomodations and a few meals...I'm easy, I know.

You don't need to hire anyone, though, you'll do great.

Ali said...

You know Oprah! WOW! :)

Very impressive weekend. You are going to do great.

RunToTheFinish said...

How did you get oprah to run, I thought she totally quit? Seriously though, I love running to Oprah it's usually entertaining enough to forget I'm on the mill.

Nitmos said...

We are always more capable than we give ourselves credit for. You'll do great. Now, don't go getting your pant leg caught in the bike chain.

chia said...

Actually I find bricks to be a great way to break up a long run that I don't feel like "long running." Some call it cheating, but I call it a "much needed break" sometimes :-).

You're going to rock that tri!!!!

My Life said...

And if it's not fun, well it's one more notch in your I'm-a-toughie-super-athlete record book. (&& look at those runs you've been getting in! Very decent!).

Jamie said...

You can DOOO it! I love working out with Oprah, she's a great exercise parnter :)

Nat said...

Well of course you can do it!!!
Just remember to breathe...


Marcy said...

LMAO a treadmill date with Oprah is always nice! You SOOOOO CAN DO THIS Nancy! ;D ;D ;D And it WILL be fun!

Razz said...

Are you kidding me? you'll rock the snot out of the tri! Best of luck!

Pokey said...

you are going to DO IT, LOVE IT and come back an ADDICT!!! :)

Sam said...

You will be looking for the NEXT event before you know it.

Lily on the Road said...


TRI is the beginning of Triumph!!!

corny, but're going to be fine, grab that paper bag and GO!

akshaye said...

You got the popular vote! So I am sure you'll do it.

Viv said...

Awsome on gettting those bricks done and most importantly signing up!! When is the big day???
I wish I could do it with ya too :-D
You are going to do great! I am so excited for you!!
PS suhweet workouts. I think the only time I could do a TM workout with Oprah is if she had Dr. Oz as a guest. I crunch on the guy :)

Michelle said...!


RunnerGirl said...

Oh Nancy, now I wanna do one too! You're gonna be awesome!

Neese said...

I wish I could come do it with you too, too bad I can't swim, or ride a bike lol You better take care of this one girl! ;)

Mendy said...

You can SOOOOO do this! and you will love the sense of accomplishment with multi-sport aftewards! You will be a triathlete... :-)

Good job on the brick!! That's really the biggest hurdle (IMO) of a tri.

DawnB said...

you can do this Nancy, go with it and have fun.

The Laminator said...

Yes, Nancy. You're going to have so much fun. Way to go on your weekend training!

Andria said...

You are totally going to rock the tri! I'm intrigued by doing a "brick". I normally run first and then try the bike. Next time I'll have to do it opposite. That must be strange.

Brian Hawkinson said...

Hey, your miles are looking good! Saw your last two runs and noticed you were either pacing it the same or improving your time mile over mile. Nice job!

Jess said...

I love your Rock Band workouts. Those are my favorite too.

jahowie said...

I know you can do it!! What else is there if we don't have goals? Nice job on the workouts despite the fact that Oprah was mentioned. :-)

Bill Carter said...

Hi Nancy

If anybody can pull it off, I know you can. That being said, I have to remind you that you were a runner first and always will be. Biking and swimming are fine (if you are into that sort of thing;-) but running is a whole lot cooler. How you say?? I'll give you a couple of examples...

First, can you swim with headphones?? Is there a Boston Swimathon that has been held since 1897??

Second, the world's most famous biker (Lance Iamstrong) has given up the bike.. for what?? running of course!

I honestly could go on and on.. which proves that running is much cooler than swimming or biking... combined.

Bob - said...

LOL ...well YES YOUUUUUU can do it!!

I am still trying to get this running thing down :-)

Unknown said...

It's fun...but be forwarned, can be addicting.

Have a blast!!

Unknown said...

It's fun...but be forwarned, can be addicting.

Have a blast!!

Stuart said...

Look at you what a week!