I did 35 minutes of elliptical and some weights on Monday. The cardio streak went to 8 days, if anyone was counting. I was pretty excited, but for the fact that I do not like how my knees are handling this. Truthfully, I am still having some of the same sensations in my joints when I use them a lot that I got with the Fifth Disease. My wrist and elbow still are getting sore and my knees are tweaky and give out occasionally (or feel like they will). Some people can have symptoms up to 6 months. crap. I guess I am some people.
So, I decided a streak is really not worth it. I only did some toning yesterday. My legs were still talking to me. I haven't done anything today and they seem slightly better. I think I am going to take today off and start a 1 day streak tomorrow!! :D
The Word Cloud. Everybody's doin it. Here's my version. I love it!
People Positive Pretty Think.
Good words in your cloud (unlike mine with "whore and bitch") ha ha.
POM got ther first but I like:
"right run runner running" very alliterative
I was going to say the same thing as Jessica. Yours totally has good words in it. Mine are all LMAO, LOL laughs and laughter AHHAHAHAA
Gonna have to check out the word cloud thing. ;)
On the knees maybe you need to rest for a bit? I went to see a sport therapist today. Really amazing experience and (relatively) cheap. Might be something to consider.
You probably need to work in some rest/recovery time. Don't want those joints to decide that they're done with cardio!
"Life like lipstick", so right, so many colours to life.....I love word cloud.....
Take great care, you are in for the "long run", not always the day to day, of life that is.....take some Nancy time....you'll do really well whatever it is you do!
I have checked out the word cloud... but haven't posted it yet...
Maybe I will do that now. I have nothing better to post about! :)
I love how "lipstick" is prominent :)
I love the lipstick, too! Those word clouds are so cool! Give those joints time to rest. Some people just are not made to do cardio everyday. I know there is no way I could run everyday. Well, maybe if I were being chased ;)
LOL! I noticed lipstick, too!!
Hey - you are on a ROLL!! I am so excited for you! Do give your poor knees a break, though...
Okay - I'm totally embarrassed because I went hooked on phonics and put "when" when I meant "WIN". Because I am a former English major I feel the need to let it known that I know I screwed that up.
Also - my pastor is Greg Johnson, too! I thought it was interesting you had a Greg Johnson post on your blog who turned out to also be clergy. I had to go look to see it wasn't the same one (mine is a biker (like, Harley rider), not a runner though (well, that I know of, LOL!)).
You are so completely dedicated running in the 38* and snow, wow! We should probably stop b*tching about our 50 and 60 degree "chilly" runs, eh?
Everyone's doing that!
Keep the streak going.
wow your word could was way better than mine...it had words I don't even know like runnin and runnon and eat, eatin, ate, otean, just kidding but there was a lot of eatting in mine!
Give your body rest! It is just as important as the activity. Love your word cloud!
yeah. I'd lay off and give it a rest. See, it's easy for me to say that. It's quite another for me to actually DO that. Good luck!
Take care of those joints! Sheesh, I hope you don't have effects for six months. Howabout you just do one month? That sounds more reasonable.
Great word cloud. Those are fun.
I'm sorry to hear your symptoms are still hanging around. Good for you for working through it. But you totally should rest when you need it. Hope you have a great weekend, Nancy.
chocolate biking nebraska workout
I guess that pretty much sums it up. :)
Nancy, I love the idea of a one-day streak! Something everyone can accomplish.
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Someone needs a nice bubble bath and a couple rest days :-D.
Yea, Nancy get some rest. You are doing awesome and one day of rest will be good for ya :-) I have been loving the Epsom salt baths lately.
LOL at lipstick made the bold!!
Take it easy Nancy. Fifth Disease can get kind of serious (at least the kid's version)
Oh so sorry that you turn out to be one of the "some people" who have effects of Fifth Disease longer. Heartfelt best wishes for recovering.
Tagging you! :) See my blog for rules!
Hi Nancy
I agree.. I don't think the streak is really worth it... at least it wasn't when I did it in college and almost got arrested... but I digress and you probably didn't mean that kind of streaking:-0)
I am just so funny... ok not so much.
Sending you my best healing vibe all the way from the great lake state.
I cracked up when I saw lipstick up there in bold!! Too funny!!!!
I like that "lipstick" is right smack in the middle... I knew you were my kind of girl! ;)
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