Friday, August 22, 2008

Two Kinds of Characters

Little GQ Kindergarten man had a great first day. Mom, Dad and little Brother did just fine, too. (although I was a little disturbed to find out that he apparently lunched with the 6th graders!!?? and two kids "licked each others tongues" on the bus) oy vey.

He found out that he is #1 in the alphabet and this is quite cool as he sometimes gets referred to as #1, 1st in line, and his backpack hook is #1. Competitive little character...

He also decided that the awesome backpack that I bought him at the actual Olympics wasn't cool because it only has one strap and is too small for full sized papers. What was I thinking?

We celebrated his first day with drinks at Rock Bottom and then ribs with Grandma and Grandpa. Might as well teach them right. :D

I did make it out for a run today over lunch. Only 2.5 miles. I look like I ran 25. yikes. Oh well, it's sumfin. I have to get back in shape if I am going to hang with the big kids (Art and Amy want to run next week - yippeeeeeee).

In very exciting news, I have received some really nice cards and thank yous from the last virtual race. I also got a package today that contained this awesome t-shirt. A certain speedy Mama sent it to me. What a doll. So thoughtful... You all know I was just in Beijing and the whole point of the virtual race was the Olympics, etc., and the prizes were from there. What you don't know is I was totally getting into the intricacy of the characters...

So, the shirt has this cool Chinese character!!! How cool is that? Can you guess what my shirt says?

thank you, Kristina, YOU ROCK!) And when you other losers start to learn the art of bribery, you'll go a long way. :D um, did I just say that out loud? oops. Kidding.


E said...

Love the shirt! So what does it say?

C said...

I have no idea what your shirt says. Tell me! :)

Congrats on both you and the little one surviving the first day of school. I'm headed to your state tomorrow, though sadly not to your area of it. I'll definitely be running on Sunday. I'll be thinking of you and the other area RBFs as I run.

Happy weekend!

teacherwoman said...

Glad to hear the little one had a good first day! :)

Does the symbol mean "PEACE"?

Topher said...
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Topher said...

Pao: "to run". Can also mean "to escape", so perfect for those moments when it all gets to be too much and you threaten your kids to shape up or you're running away. My mom could only say it in English, so you're pretty cool that you can now express it bilingually with a t-shirt to boot.

The left half is the character for foot. Oh wait, you said bribery, not show-offishness. Sorry.

J said...

Your son is super adorable! He sure looks ready for kindergarten. Actually, he kind of looks ready for the whole world! :)

Aka Alice said...

Awwww...first day of school...I sobbed like a crazy woman after watching my kid's first day (they're now 5th and 7th grade). At least I made it back to my car before I did the crazy-mom sobbing though... He looks so cool and grown up leaning against the wall like that.

Laura N said...

Your baby's all grows up. Sniff sniff.

Cool shirt! What great friends you have, because YOU ARE a great friend.

WTG on keeping your weight low in the midst of all your travels & lack of running time. Aren't you quite a bit taller than me? I remember Wendy saying you were tall. So I'm guessing, what, 5'7'', 5'8''? So your 149-151 is TINY. Much smaller than me, since I'm 5'5''. SO YOU GO GIRL! Nice job.

Hope you find some time to run. I know you love it so. HUGS.

J~Mom said...

Awww...he is such a cutie!!

I think I still owe you lipstick from round 1 of the races. LOL

The Laminator said...

Damn, I thought I was the only RBF who could read chinese characters...but Topher beat me to it. Yes, the character is "to run" in chinese.

Awesome shirt!

Michelle said...

Nancy your son is so adorable!!! He's pretty funny too!!!

Your 2.5 miles is awesome!!! Keep it up you'll be back up in your mileage in no time!!

Come to my blog when you have a moment! I miss you girlie!!


P.S. I was going to guess that your shirt said
Made in America!


Unknown said...

what a handsome young man.

thx for the pin. I love it. :)

The Young Family said...

If I had something to bribe you with I totally would.... I need to think about this. It may take a while but I will come up with something NW style!


Anonymous said...

Great looking shirt. I have no idea what it means, but it looks great.


Carly said...

Love the shirt!!!!

Congrats to the mini man starting kindergarten. What a cutie!!! Maybe it is a good thing that he is buddying up to a 6th grader. No one will ever mess with him. LOL I am getting ready to send my little guy in about a week (sob).

Lily on the Road said...

Your little dude is just sooo cute! He'll be a lady killer for sure.

Sweet running shirt. Thanks again Nancy, you do rock!

RunnerGirl said...

Glad to hear the first day of school went well . . . and it is scary what happens on those buses!

Very cool shirt!

DawnB said...

here's to a great first day

Deene said...

even in middle school my kid still hates it that she's always near the end of whatever lines because her lastname starts with R.

Kristina said...

a little bribery does indeed go a long way--when's the next race, again?

Nitmos said...

I couldn't make out what your t-shirt says. It looks like it was written in Chinese or something.

Viv said...

Way to get back out there Nanc! super cute pic of the lil one off to school. I am glad the first day was a good one with many more good to come.

The shirt just makes me giggle of this chinese symbol tatt on my back. Long story shirt this Asian lasy tpold me I had her name on my shoulder blade. Loss a bunch of cool points super quickly.