It's going to be 08/08/08
and the start of the Olympics!!
Let's celebrate running blogger style.
Join us for this virtual race.

Yep, lame, but got the idea from this guy and I'm on extremely limited time:
Virtual Race Directions -
1. Run 8 miles sometime around the 8th. I'm easy, any time between now and the 10th is fine. I'm also easy in the event that you need to do two-4 milers. Just join us!!2. Post a race report on your blog.
3. Extra points for olympic-type flair (but absolutely no pressure to do so!) - I brought back some official Olympic stuff from Beijing for prizes!!
4. Notify me when your race report is up
5. Check back here for the full report
Sounds like a great idea. I am glad it doesnt have to be done exactly on the 8th because I have a 10-12 miler on the 9th, so I am in for at least 8
This fits right into my half-marathon training. Count me in!
Totally doing this.
So, extra points if we have to hurdle dogs and children? How about if I throw my water bottle at random annoying people? It's almost like a biathlon then. :)
I AM THERE!!! BTW can that man be my pacer? ROFLMAO!
Count me in! :)
It's on my calendar! Can't wait.
Holla, sign me up baby!
The 8th is a rest day though :-( boooo! Fridays are for drinking beer and eating bad food!
oh man I don't know if the knee can handle that yet... darn it I'm ready to run just looking at the logo!
I'm in. :)
How long till the Olympic Agency's lawyers compel you to remove their logo?
All right, I'm in (even though I have to keep going another 7 after I finish the 8 LOL)
Count me in, jeezzz, 8 miles? hmmm, now I have to convert to km! LOL....
You are SO MUCH FUN!
thanks for another virtual race!!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea. I'll be running 8 miles on the 9th. Can't wait to read everyone's race reports.
I'm in. Are we supposed to full-out race?
I am sooo not prepared for 8 miles... damnit. I might just have to do 4 and 4 on the same day.. we'll see. I might push myself and just do 8 altogether!
What a great way to kick off the Olympics!
I'm in on 8-8-08!
I'm in. I may need to break it up but I'm definitely IN.
Great idea! Count me in :)
I'm (tentatively) in. But I probably won't be able to do it until the 9th.
Prizes, huh??? Sounds cool!!
Hi -- heard about this from Lily on the Road. What a great idea!
Glad I can do it between now and the 10th. I've got a race on the 10th so I'll plan my 8 for earlier in the week. Can't wait to read all the race reports.
I'm scheduled for 9 with 7 miles @ marathon race pace, so I think I'll just make it 10 w/8 @ MRP!
OK so here is the deal folks the Vivalicious is on the DL but wait she pool runs so can she do it???
LMAO I am talking about Vivalicious in the 3rd person it is fun.
OK, so I think I'll be doing a 5.6-mile trail race on that Saturday, so I will try to tack on the additional 2.4 miles following that race. :-)
My report is up. Tried to be creative enough to make it work even though it was a week early. :)
Coach didn't get the memo on the off week. I got an hour forty five on the 10th to get'er done :-)
Woo! It'll take some schedule rearranging, but I am so in! Bonus points for pace of 8:08:08?
I'm in!! Your virtual races are always fun.
Perfect! I'm doing 13 on Friday so this will help me get through it!
Sooo wish I could take part, but don't think it will happen this time. Thank you Nancy for all your comments - I appreciate them. Please think strong energy thoughts for me over the next couple of weeks!
&& just catching up on your blog a little. I cannot believe you went to China. I mean I can beleive it, but WOW!! What an opportunity!! That is so awesome you went - some of those pics brought back memories for me ;) Yay adventurous you!!
I forgot to ask? Do we have to run in polluted air? :-)
Just catching up...
Your China trip looked awesome! Let's see...Scotland, China...heading to the moon next?
I'll try to do 8 on the 7th this week.
Hey Nancy! I'm so sore after my marathon yesterday, but I'm counting myself for 8 on the 9th. We'll see what happens.
Thanks, Nancy, for setting this one up. Gives us all a chance to feel Olympian.
I'm in.
Does it count if I do it, then lie about my times, i so want a cool prize from Beijing!
I'm in!!
Found you from Marcy's site.
I'm in!
Maybe I won't take my asthma inhaler to simulate the air polution. LOL!!!
I'm in! I gotta do 9 this weekend so it fits perfectly with my training schedule : ). I'll just have to remember to check my watch for my time!
I'm in, I made a little banner on my site :)
Per usual, I'll be signing up for the special challenge division: eighteen miles. We're pretty low on Olympics gard here in NYC, but I'll see what I can get between now and then.
I'll be doing 8 on the 9th, or maybe 9 on the 9th!
Hey Nancy - thanks for the inspiration!
8 on the 6th completed last night :O)
Report has been blogged (thus far without any significant graphics - will see if I can add these in a quiet moment at work!!)
Hi Nancy, I got my run in this morning (I was probably one of the first ones, due to the time difference); my race report is here:
Thanks again for being an inspiration!
Hugs, Amy
Sweet! I just did a great 8 miler on Wednesday, but I may have to do one again soon!!
My race report is up! I'm glad that I FINALLY got to participate in one of these virtual races. Thanks for putting this together.
My race report is up. Count me for a 53:49. Thanks for organizing!
My report is up. 59:13. It was a great race!
All done! 1:06:48--report is up on my blog. Thanks for another great one!
My race report is up!!
I'm not saying you guys should go there but if you want to it's at
Sorry, forgot to include time:
88.55 or 1 hour 28 min!! I'm not proud!
My race report is up! I'm a first time virtual race participant! Yippee!
Ran the 8 on the 8th as part of my long run today! Sorry, I didn't tweak out splits for an 8 mile segment.
I did it over two different days. It was fun, thanks!
Another newbie here and another Canadian. :)
Thanks Nancy!!
I got er done!
My race report is on my blog at
The direct link is
Thanks for putting on another virtual race!
Does a 5 mile trail race on 8/7 and 3 miles at the end of a tri on 8/9 count?
8 on the 8th done this morning! With a twist. Check out my race report here.
I've posted my report!
Found this from ShoreTurtle's site.
I have to run 4 on the 9th & 6 on the 10th, so I'll have 10 done on the 10th, and it'll be over by 8:00am, in 2008.
Oh my gosh I am so excited!! I didn't think my knee would be up for an 8 miler but it was!! I did 8.5 today... damn I need to go make a t-shirt right now this feels monumental!
Just in case I don't get a post up soon...
my time was: 1:16:15
I did a hot & sweaty 8 miles in 1:56:16, which is a darn good time for me.
I've been out of the blogging mood since vacation, but will try and post a report...
I did 9 miles on 8/9/08 in 1:26:36.
Done. 1:25:03
My race report is posted at
Thanks again for a great motivation!
I can't run for 3 more weeks due to a stress fracture of my femur, but I CAN ride my bike so I rode 8 miles.
Thanks Nancy.
My race report is at:
8 miles in 1:02:39
I know this doesn't make the grade, but as a rookie runner I decided to take up your challenge but make it a metric 8. So I ran 8km yesterday, representing the longest running distance I have managed since starting in January! It took me 42:57. Great Blog!
Done, slowly - but I managed to run a virtual race at last! 1:45:56.
Hey Nancy, I've done my run and am working on a post of Olympic proportions. I'll get it up as soon as I can. Maybe later today. Hope that's ok. I hope what I am planning will be worth it.
Oh, my time was 1:02:32.
Oops, that was supposed to be 1:03:32.
Hey, Nancy! I'm done. My race report is here:
My first virtual race! I finished in 1:37:30 and my race report is here, at
I ran 9 on the 9th today and had my first positive long-run experience of the summer! Report is up.
Oops, I thought it was 18 on the 8th!! :)
Race report is here:
I'm glad I caught this though reading up on Andrew is Getting Fit. I ran 8+ on the 8th and I'll be running 8+ on the 10th. Boy, which one do I count!
No matter, I'm in the Olympic spirit and I'm in. So cool!
Nice blog, BTW
71 comments??? Man, you're popular! ;) My race report is now up:
1:39:20 - bleh...
My reports are up.
I did 10 by the 10th.
4 on Saturday, and 6 on Sunday.
My report is up now:
Those costumes are great!!
Hey Nancy,
Just to let you know. I finally got in my 8-miler at a time of 54 minutes 26 seconds.
Will post a short race report on my blog later tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for organizing yet another awesome virtual race!
What a fantastic, fun idea!
Here's mine: 08-08-08 Virtual Olympics Race: 8.34 Miles in 2 Parts
Unfortunately, it's not sporting any Beijing bling.
I got a DNF :( My non-report is here though if you want to include it in a losers section. I can be kind of like the automatic last finisher so no one else has to feel bad!
Jeezzzz, Nancy, I thought I'd posted that I posted the post! LOL.
anyway, my "post" is posted!!!
Thank you sooo much for all of this fun....
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