Well the new event is going off with a bang. Did you see that opening ceremony?
In case you didn't catch it, I thought I'd include a few pictures. I had no idea they'd let some of us participate. Aside from all that communism business, those Chinese are so dang nice.
Why does the Caucasian woman get the good lipstick?
Why did that be-otch get the colorful outfit?
So I haven't been doing a whole lot of running with the extra travel (I actually did go to China last month) and probably the most I've run is about 4 miles a couple times a week. It is definitely for me that I schedule these races. :D Oh yeah, and for you guys too. But, they really get me going. I was out the door at the ungodly hour of 6 am. I ran this puppy slower'n slow, like so-slow-you-might-be-able-to-walk-faster slow. I started off as slow as I could possibly go and still be running to try to conserve for the full 8. Turns out, that was a good strategy. I never had to walk except once to drink some G2 (still my fav) and it was a lovely couple of hours to myself on a beautiful morning. That's why I rock. That's why I'm an Olympian. (hee hee, just teasin, I was actually really embarrassed at my slowness.) 1:57 Maybe there is a medal for Slow and Deliberate?
Apparently I'm not so much Olympic navigation material, my 8 finished about 1 mile from home. zoinks. I walked and ran it in. 9 miles in the books, people!!
One more thing, I looked at my watch at the 8 mile mark of course. Would you believe it was exactly 8am? I swear. I was going to take a picture of it for you when I got home because after 8 miles I am not so smart.... yeah, the clock doesn't stop on your Garmin just because you hit stop. Hee hee.
I can't wait to read all the other reports. I will be reading, logging and providing a Race Results post in the next couple days. Thanks so much for joining me to celebrate the start of the Olympics.
Do you have Olympic fever now? :D
Woo Hoo! I love the Olympics. Watching the mens gymnastics right now (as I write).
GREAT job on getting out there and doing the 8. That counts high in my book. I'm not even running at all. You did wonderful!!
I got my entry done today. Here is a link to my race report (http://www.network-admin.net/?p=504). I didn't quite get the whole 2 race entries (16 miles) that I had planned, but I came close. Considering 14 miles of it was spent with sweat stinging my knee, I was happy enough with my outcome.
Oh that's right -- I KNEW there were something I was supposed to do! (I actually did run the 8 miles; I just haven't blogged about it yet).
Way to go on doing 9 Nancy!
I love your report and the pics are precious.
Can you believe the opening ceremony? It truly was spectacular. I loved the lighting of the torch.
Thanks for organizing another virtual race. You're the best!
haven't posted the race report yet, but my time was... 8 miles @ 1:50 minutes.... I actually ran 16 total, but that was the better of the two splits! I learned a valuable lesson about fueling your body, lets say I didn't do it properly - hmmmm. I won't do that again!!
Good job on doing the 8 even though you were out of practice. Slow and steady still gets it done!
I did my 8 yesterday, report is ont he blog, but I finished in 1:21:07. Not my fastest either.
My race report isn't completed yet but my time is up. 1:14:21
My first virutal race and my longest run yet. Thanks for doing this it really pushed me to up my mileage!
Wow, and I'm the ninth comment :-) What's up with all these 8's? LOL!!! Mines up!! Great job on getting in the 9'er after not running so much. You ROCK!!!
Nice race nancy! I so should have just forked over 8 miles yesterday... darnit!
And yes, I have extreme Olympic Fever right now!
Excellent run Nancy! And wonderful race report!
As usual, I'm late to the party, but I've done my run and my report is up: http://mcmmama.blogspot.com/2008/08/8-miles-on-08-08-08.html
Thanks for the fun time!
Run Nancy Run!!!
I'm just saying!!
Way to get it DONE! And I love the opening ceremony touch in your photo. :)
BTW - THANKS A BUNCH for motivating me and others to do 8 miles. :)
Good race -- a 5:30 AM start, though, is a little extreme. Report, such as it is, is here:
Congrats on getting out there and thanks again for organizing this event. It was my first time participating and I loved it! Can't wait to read everyone's reports.
I didn't give you all my info on my last post---- 9 on the 9th in 1:43:07. (Eight miles completed in 1:32:22.)
Thanks for organizing this!
Great job -- it doesn't matter how fast you go, just that you're out there running and inspiring us all to join you!
This is my first virtual race. Results are up!
LOVE your Olympic spirit. The photos are awesome.
I just posted my race report. We ran 8.1 in 1:30:15...about par for the course for me.
Thanks for hosting this. I keep thinking how cool it is that all these runners around the country are all sorta running together...very cool!
My report is up. Sorry its so bland, thanks for organizing.
Thanks for the LOVELY Olympics for us all.
I love, love, LOVE the Olympics!! I stayed up until midnight watching last night, and now I am watching swimming. :-)
You'll have to put me on the loser list, because I only did the 5.6-mile trail race yesterday, which totally wore me out. I did blog about it, if you want to read it. ;-) I was just too damn sore today for a run.
Congrats on your race! I'm looking forward to reading about all the results. Glad I was finally able to participate this time around.
YAY Nancy!! You did real good for an undertrained! No need to be ashamed at all =)
I wish I could have participated but my foot is not up to this and I did a sprint tri this morning!!
Great job organizing this once again! You're the best Nancy!!
Great job on your run! Love the pictures.
Thanks for this - I really look forward to your virtual races. :)
Great job!! You cracked me up with your report!!
Great run, Nancy! Love your pictures, too! Now we can sit back (right?) and enjoy the Olympics. Thanks!
Is that your little guy with the drum??? Very cute!
Yes, I'm now blogged...LOL...
It sounds like you had a great run!! I'm sorry that I wasn't able to join you afterall in this virtual run. I will enjoy reading the reports from all of the others though. Cool pics too by the way. ;-)
Great Report!!!
Loved the 'opening ceremonies'.
Myy report is:
Great pics!!! I posted my report last night. Thanks Nancy!
LMAO Nancy!! Youa re so stinking cute! I love it!
I clocked in at 1:09:45 ;-)
Hi Nancy. Another great virtual race organized. Here's my eight on the "eighth," 1:18:18.
Those pictures are great!!
Another great race you put on!
I'm still waiting on confirmation on the time - Unofficial is: 1:03
Thanks for doing the math for me!
Great post, LOL!!
I got my 8 on the 8th done - in 1:23. Do I get extra points for running it with pinkeye (ain't that lovely?!). You think pinkeye doesn't hurt when you run? Think again. LOL.
I finally got my report posted. Here it is!
Love it! Your costume is awesome! :D
Hey Nanc great job on getting the 8 done!! Love the picture and the why does she get the colorful one..hahahha
I thought of ya baby the other weekend this woman at this swim clinic I was doing had lipstick that would not wear down. After we were swimming for 4 hours she came outta the pool with lipstick like she freshly applied in the water whilst breast stroking. She could not pull it off like you though :-)
Here's my race report: http://coffeebetsy.blogspot.com/2008/08/country-roads-take-me-home.html I did a 20 miler, but the first 8 were all for you! 1:25:33.
my report is up.
Thanks for doing this!
Great job on the miles! I was on the virtual sidelines cheering.
Sorry Nancy I miss this one hopefully i'll get my but going the next time
I love all your pics! Sadly, having the Olympics be halfway around the world is hell for my sleeping habits.
You rock girl!!!!!!!!!! Nice job out there!!!!!!
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