Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Coughing Continues...

I've had a horrible running week. Well, if purchasing running shoes counts, then that part was okay -- 2 new pair just waiting for me.... The coughing fits and sore hip and back have won out - no running since early in the week. One particularly bad coughing bronchospasm/fit/choking, whatever it was, had me hanging over the sink wondering if I had seen my last breath. Okay, I might be a little dramatic, but I was hanging over the sink. I didn't think a run in brisk air would be very bright. Dang it, I don't want to lose everything I have worked for.

Now I have to go sit in business meetings, two days in KC and then two days back here. I'm driving down early to see my sister and do some shopping. I may try to get some short runs in there if I feel a little better. I've got to nip this no running thing in the bud. I am definitely going to do my exercises at a minimum.

I probably won't be blogging much this week. Will check in when I can. Send me your best running vibes. :D


Jamie said...

Take care of yourself!!! Even if you can't run some cross training will keep you in the mix. Don't worry! Running can be a bit tough but other workouts might not feel as bad.

Tri+Umph said...

Hang in there, Nancy!

Don't feel bad about taking a few days off, especially when your body is screaming for rest the way it is!

I've heard you only lose 2% of your aerobic fitness per week. I'm hoping thats true as much as you are, or else I'm really going to be paying for this hip injury!

akshaye said...

take care.. getting some rest is more important. a week off never kills anyone!

Vickie said...

Hope you get over this whatever it is soon! I've had these things before and you usually have to get pushed to the edge before you get something to control the coughing. Try a cough suppressant and see how that works for a couple of days. It may quiet things down so whatever is wrong can heal.

J said...

One week off to recuperate won't ruin all of your progress! Take it easy and get better!

Marcy said...

Ohhhh Nancy you take care of yourself!!! Take a break!! You deserve it!! Along with that shopping ;-)

David H. said...

It's the odd way of your body telling you to take a bit of a break. Hope you feel better, but it's best to not push running!

Amy said...

Hope you're feeling better soon...and that your trip goes well!

Nat said...

Safe journey. Look at it as an opportunity to heal.

Jess said...

Hope you feel better soon! Are you on any antibiotics?

Neese said...

you have enough passion for running that a little break won't hurt, it'll still be there when you are ready and feeling better!

Unknown said...

Get well!!

Scott McMurtrey said...

vibes coming your way!

Scott McMurtrey said...

wait, what kind of vibes were you looking for? i think i just sent you some "jamie lee curtis rocks big time!" vibes.

Kent said...

I hope everything turns around soon Nancy. The break could be a good thing as additional recovery from the half can't be a bad thing. Getting you healthy should be the prime concern and not getting any sicker. Have a good time with your sister ...

kate said...

Sending healing vibes your way. Feel better!

Christie said...

I hope you're feeling better soon :)

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

Keep the faith Nancy you will get better.

Robert Barker said...

What kind of shoes did you get?

Wes said...

Hope you feel better! You'll be back at it soon!

Moon said...

oh no! Nancy, I hope you feel better soon! And like the others have said, don't feel bad about taking off the time your body needs to get better! It will all be worth it and you will be back on your feet in no time :)

P.O.M. said...

Oh gosh I hope you feel better. I get coughs like that every other year or so. I hate it!

Take care.

Laura N said...

I hope you are feeling better girlie! I took 7 days off back when Sophie was sick, and I bounced back quickly. Mentally, that was the toughest. I missed the clarity and rejuvination from running. But my body did okay with the little break. You'll be back at it soon, I hope.

J~Mom said...

I hope you feel better soon!!!

DawnB said...

have a nice week Nancy hope you are feeling better.

Gotta Run..... said...

Sure hope you are feeling better soon. It is that time of the year. Sorry the bug got you. Try not to cough your head off.

Andria said...

Definitely take care of yourself. Don't run if it will just make you sicker! We'll be here when you are feeling better :)

Bill Carter said...

I am sending you alot of well wishes from Michigan. Hang in there! I don't get sick a whole bunch, but when I do it always seems to be a doozy.

RunToTheFinish said...

Oh feel better! I was there last year and it is just no fun.

Running Ragged said...

Hope you are feeling better by now and that you got some running in...take care of yourself!

zanne said...

oh boy. i would have guessed bronchitis before i read the post after this one that says you have pneumonia! wonder if gargling with salt water would help ...

Bob A said...

Hey, Nancy. I feel your pain. Every day last week, I wanted to run but couldn't because of an awful sore throat (worst in my 53 years). Hang in there -- you'll be back on the road and, like others said, a week off won't hurt your training.