Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'd Rather Be Running

My running pals had to meet without me as I made a semi-urgent visit to the eye surgeons. Holy crap. Surgeons?

Yep, it's a corneal ulcer. Something I should have never googled. Glasses and looking like a dork
until Friday is nothing if this thing will heal. I don't like some of the alternatives.

I will definitely keep you all posted.
That eye doctor took forever to see me.

By the way, totally off the subject but.....
Is anyone using iGoogle yet? OMG. I.LOVE.IT.ALMOST.AS.MUCH.AS.TIVO.


E said...

Corneal ulcer does not sound good! Take care and hope it heals!

J~Mom said...

I hope it heals quickly. (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

Hope your eyes are okay! Yes, I love iGoogle as well. I use a gadget for my daily to do lists as well keeping up to date with my favorite newspapers and favorite blogs. I hope more people start using it!

audgepodge said...

Oh no! I had a corneal ulcer back in college. I had to be hospitalized overnight so that nurses could put eye drops in my eye literally every 15 minutes. Even if I was asleep... not that I slept much during that time.

Good luck with it!

BTW - yes, I love iGoogle. I might love Google reader even more... It's made blog stalking so simple!

C said...

Yikes! Hope your eyes heal up quick.

Kristina said...

oh gosh, take care of yourself, Nancy!

Wes said...

LOL... Yea, been on iGoogle for a while. I hope your eye heals up fast!!! {healing wishes}

Mel-2nd Chances said...

yikes! hope it heals quickly!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Hope your eye heals quickly.

And I love iGoogle. It's awesome to have all my stuff in one place, even when not at my personal computer.

Marcy said...

YIKES!!! I hope you heal up fast. You look so cute with glasses! Love it!

Midwest said...

I think your glasses are cute.

Jess said...

An ulcer in your eye?! That doesn't sound good.

Christie said...

I like the glasses. I hope your eyes heal quickly though.

And yes, I've been an iGoogler for quite some time. I love it.

jahowie said...

I've never heard of that. I hope that it heals quickly for you.

Nitmos said...

Thanks for the tip: I will keep the words "corneal ulcer" out of my life.

Man, good luck with that.

Ian said...

iGoogle and the Google reader both rock. I don't know what I'd do without them.

Hope you heal quickly.

RunToTheFinish said...

iGoogle is my FAVORITE, use it all day.

Hope you are better soon!!

Vava said...

Hope you heal fast, and I have no idea what iGoogle is...

chia said...

uh... dooode! Many hopes of a quick recovery!!!

Nat said...

How come I didn't know I could get eye ulcers!!! Ewww... eye things freak me right out.

Oh and yes, Google Reader/ iGoogle. Love. Them.

Nat said...

OH and I hope it heals. (Sorry too busy being grossed out.)

Stuart said...

WOW something else I didn't know existed, GWS!

Sonia said...

That doesn't sound like a fun experience, hope it heals quickly!

Bev said...

You don't look like a dork. I love those glasses. Sorry about the ulcer. How did you get that? Take care.

Running Ragged said...

Yikes! That doesn't sound like fun, but the eye glasses do look nice!

Sending you all my healing powers! (Not that I have any, but it reads nice ;))

Steve Stenzel said...

Love the second photo.

GOOD LUCK!!! I'm hoping for the best for you and your eyes!!

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Keeping good thoughts for you.

I think you look extra smart in those glasses. :}


Pat said...

igoogle is my homepage. Who'd you get to take the pics, the nurse?

Of course, I have a blurry left eye, so now I think I have a corneal ulcer.

Lily on the Road said...

Oh Nancy, take care of yourself!!

Pokey said...

HUGS Nancy....speedy recovery for the NonRunner Eyeball!!!!!!

Pokey said...

Also - are your contacts *extended wear*???

Mine are....even though my doc hates it....and I really should stop wearing them over night!!! YIKES!!!!

Anonymous said...

Get that eye better soon.


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

eeee gads. hope this turns out okay

Aka Alice said...

iGoogle is coolio, but have you checked out Pageflakes? It's my fav...

Carly said...

That doesn't sound fun at all. I wish you a speedy recovery.

*running to check out igoogle*

DawnB said...

hope everything goes well and you are feeling better soon nancy.

Karen said...

Hope you heal quickly :) I HEART igoogle!

Bob A said...

I hate that you have the corneal ulcer -- doesn't sound pleasant. But, you don't look dorky in the glasses.

I've used iGoogle for a number of months. I like it, especially the fact that I can set up 'internal' tabs.

I also use Google Sheets to track my running and then post a portion of it, usually the current month, to my blog where it's updated every time I update the sheet. Now, that's cool.

P.O.M. said...

I googled it and that was not good.
I hope you heal quickly my dearest.

Sarah Kathryn said...

Ugh - I just am finishing up with eye hell. :( I hope yours heals quickly. I'm off to the eye doctor for a follow-up tomorrow - I'm at 7 weeks post onset for iritis and still not healed. MAKE SURE IT'S NOT THAT. Just sayin'.

akshaye said...

Take care and I hope it gets better.

igoogle - been using it since the day it released! Welcome to the club.

Viv said...

igoogle what in the world is that. Will google it later..hehehe

You are so stinkin cute even more with glasses ;-)

Seriosuly, I hope you are healing well dahling!

Bill Carter said...

Hi Nancy

I can pretty much guarantee you that I know more about these than just about anybody you blog with. Unfortunately, I probably see about 10 or 12 of these on any given week. I actually specialize in cornea and these sometimes don't turn out all that well. The pain... it is really hard to describe how bad it can get. It certainly doesn't help that the cornea has more nerves per area than any other tissue in the body. I would also tell you that probably 19 out of every 20 scripts I write for vicodin are for corneal ulcers. That being said, How are you doing?? If you need anything don't hesitate to ask and I hope you are doing better.