Monday, September 8, 2008

Still Struggling to be a Runner

I'm here, and I'm missing all of you, life is just winning out right now.

The Kindergartner broke his arm about a week ago but it hasn't been as bad as we thought. No cast, just a brace and no restrictions. The Hub and I were seriously excited as he started soccer and football and is such a sports hound. We understood how much it was going to suck way more than he did. Thankfully, just the brace...

About a week ago, I also tried to "go long" well, longer than 5 anyway. Amy had told me she did 9 and I was all like, "damn, girl, I've got to get out there." Well, it was pretty much a disaster very similar to Nitmos' Mirage post where he fell in love with the water at the laundro mat. I went out in the heat of the day and did great for 3.5 and then fell apart. I was about 2 miles from home and seriously delusional. Hee hee. I thought about drinking water from hoses, knocking on the old babysitter's door who I haven't seen in about a year, and even considered dousing my head in the scary gas station bathroom. In the end, I death marched it home and decided I better stick to some 3's and 4's for now. .

Amy and I then met for 3 last week and did an amazing clip (for us). I was esctatic at the company and the pace.

We had quite a fun weekend with ISU tickets and friends here and the 1 mile challenge. Our kids are members of the little clone club so we got to go out on the field with them and make a tunnel for the players. It was their first big football game experience. They were quite impressed with the "tailgating" which we had to explain and the smoke the players emerged from. Looking forward to lots more fun with them as they discover sports. As I said to a friend, "it's all sports, all the time around here." The Kindergartner also got to go see our friend's son play in a Grandview College Soccer game. It's amazing the things these kids get to do at 5, eh? (The picture is the soccer player and my son after the soccer game.) (Razz, do you remember Curtis Craig? That's his son!! His mom is my good friend and now their son is going to college in Des Moines)

Also this weekend, I really wanted to support Reid in his 5 minute mile challenge. I was going to shoot for a 10 minute mile which should be totally do-able. First I went out with the little one and he was driving his John Deere Gator around our circle - 4 laps would be a mile. It was his big thing since the older one got to go to the soccer game.... Thing is, he's a little herky jerky and I had my knees clipped a few times as he stopped abruptly in front of me. Three year old drivers, go figure. We did go around 4 times, but it was an unacceptable "race." Although I did consider that Reid would totally approve of a family event no matter the time.

We parked the gator and headed up to Valley High School Track about a mile from my house to have another go at it. This time we brought the Harley big wheel, my garmin and a parachute launcher (to celebrate afterwards!). I decided to run fast but not kill myself. I really have no idea how to pace it to go right up to the edge but have enough for a whole mile.

The track was nice and the little one did about a quarter of the track to each of my laps. We chatted and encouraged every time I passed him, not sure who was prouder. Unfortunately I did have a mishap, I was lollygagging at a car going by and stepped too close to the edge of the track. Down I went. Well, Reid got bit by a dog in one of my races so I guess I will provide the drama this time.

Got back up and kept moving but I knew I wasn't quite going to make a 10 minute mile. I ended at 10:07, slightly disappointed. I know this isn't my best as I have run faster miles in a 5k but that is where I was at yesterday and it was pretty fun to have the little harley rider there. He made it all the way around and was SO proud. We launched the parachute guy out of the tube a few times and watched him float back to the ground as we sat in the middle of the track. Good stuff.

I think I might do this 1 mile challenge a little more often. I know I have a 9 something in me.
What a weekend!! Thanks everyone for wondering about me. And BIG CONGRATs TO REID who did make his 5 minute mile!!!!


Razz said...

You're still a runner in my book. Why should I know the name Curtis Craig? It rings a bell. Roger Craig? Yes. Curtis? No.

E said...


Wes said...

Yay running knitter! You are indeed a runner :-) Missed the 10 minutes by a hairs breadth! After your first mile at home too. Way to go!!!

L*I*S*A said...

You'll get your sub 10-min mile next time...

Nitmos said...

Too bad you didn't have a laundromat nearby. I'm telling you, the water is delicious.

The same thing happens to me from time to time...get to close to the sidewalk edge and, whoops, almost break an ankle.

Way to get up, dust off, and complete that mile!

Marlene said...

Kudos for getting out there!

Marcy said...

Ooohhh you ARE a runner, Nanc!!

You did AWESOME on the 1 mile!! WHOOO HOOOOO ;D ;D You'll get that 9-er soon ;-)

Ax said...

7 little seconds is not the difference between a runner and someone struggling to be a runner. You get out there and do what you can do. You keep going even if things are tough, even if you fall. You support and motivate other runners. You are definitely a runner, Nancy! Thanks so much for running the mile with me. You'll shave those 7 seconds off in no time!

Bill Carter said...

Hi Nanc

It is an amazing thing how life has its little (or big) twists and turns. I'm just waiting for Aidan to break something of his and I am putting money on one of the arms or if I am particularly unlucky, both.

That is so scary when you get way out there and all of a sudden everything kind of goes to cr*p. I know that feeling all to well and I am just glad you are ok.

Say "hi" to Amy for me and don't forget to give yourself a whole bunch of slack. Sometimes the energy that goes into raising a family and the stress that is always there makes our running a refuge and not a competition.

I say congrats on the mile challenge and making it a family event.

Mendy said...

Congrats on your 1 mile!! That's great Nancy!!! You're definately a runner and don't let anyone tell you different or make you think any different.

akshaye said...

Runner.. heck you are more than that.. a super Race Director!

hope the kiddo is doing ok with the brace.

teacherwoman said...

Great job on the 1 mile! You did a lot better than I would have done! Sounds like you have been pretty busy busy!

Pat said...

shoot. someone else beat my mile time. congrats. If you are going to call yourself a non runner, you better stop beating my times.

I, too, plan to do this mile test more often. I'd love to see a 9 something. and an 8 something would rock my world.

hope your son mends fast and gets back out there.

Anonymous said...

Good job on the mile - I'm impressed you managed to do it with a kid in tow. I'm impressed at how well you are doing, despite all the roadblocks life is throwing your way.

J~Mom said...

Our mile times are 1 second apart!!! See, we are meant to run together. You are a runner!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Once a runner always a runner. I've missed you. And it'll get much easier once the weather cools down. Glad your 5 year old is ok.

Andrew is getting fit said...

You're still a runner indeed!

Michelle said...

NANCY!!! I am so glad to see you posting!! Missed you a lot!!

I will just ditto what everybody here already said:

Good for you on your mile!!


Jess said...

Of course you're a runner, Nancy! You don't have to do distance to be labeled a "runner"!

Bev said...

You ran so you are a runner! Just get over it already.

Glad you posted. Don't keep us in so much suspense.

Sonia said...

I do not feel like a runner either, I barely feel like a walker lol My foot is bothering me.. sigh tired of this injury!