Blue hair (and a Cubs hat somewhere)
Swim goggles
Backwards soccer shirt of big brother
Green football sweatband
Purple basketball sweatband
Packer football pants
One soccer shin guard
Mismatched socks
Mismatched tennis shoes
That's my boy!!!
When I was a little more successful with my diet, I had a little trick called the "One Pound Decision." Any decision could mean the difference of a pound on the scale tomorrow. I realize this might be a bit of a stretch, but it helped me immensely in the moment. I've decided to reinstate the One Pound Decision through out my life. What could I accomplish if I made these decisions with... my husband, my house, my work, my diet, exercise? I plan on having fun finding out!
I can't wait to read all the other reports. I will be reading, logging and providing a Race Results post in the next couple days. Thanks so much for joining me to celebrate the start of the Olympics.
Do you have Olympic fever now? :D
Virtual Race Directions -
1. Run 8 miles sometime around the 8th. I'm easy, any time between now and the 10th is fine. I'm also easy in the event that you need to do two-4 milers. Just join us!!