Pacers are here for your enjoyment. They can run with you, decorate your blog for the race or whatever else your little heart desires. Have fun....
You'd be surprised what she can do in those heels.
This girl is tough. Make sure you are up for the challenge.
Now, that's a Cavewoman.
Ahh, she's so cute.
Cavey Dude.
Hee hee. I think he saw a sabertooth.
Now, we're talking.
ROFL!! As long as the HAWT ones aren't running an 8 minute pace, I'm good :-)
I think I'd be running away from the last guy instead of running with him!
#3 for me, please. Spear and all!
Bwaahhaaaaaa, I've picked my pacer,(now we're talking) ~ hope he can run fast and in front, (just so I get some motivation, checking out his bum) did I just say that?ahahahaha,
Thanks Nanc!!
I think I like #1. I hope I am not required to run in a loin cloth. :)
WHOOO WHOOOOO I'm TOTALLY going to roll with chica numero dos . . .I think. I need to run with a lady this time around ;-)
I think I'm going with Cavey. BUT, I never have trained with a man, so it might be one of the ladies.... hmmm. Something to think about.
And you didn't tell Rob the rules that EVERYONE MUST wear a LOIN CLOTH to run. (or did you take that rule out?)
I think I'll take that first chick. Mainly because I think I can beat her if she wears those heels. And I don't want a pacer. I want someone I can beat!
Man.. I'll pick the last one so he can chase me to the finish!
LMAO! Great pacers for this race. Let's see who will be the luck one for me. I may take the chubby chica so we could be a good match. Than you said be scared so I hope she is not to fast. I will carry the bat and whack if she gets all 10ish on me.
Loin cloth would actually be ideal. Eliminates alot of the unnecessary chafing.
No Captain Caveman from our Saturday morning cartoons?
Captain Caaaaaaavemaaaaaaannnnnnn!!!!!!
Hahaha I love the pacers!
I'm geared up for this and ready to run! You've gone pic crazy the last few days.
Too bad those are all virtual - I could use a few to keep me on my course and guide me to the finish!
Can't wait!!! :)
Too funny. What the heck happened to last pacers head??
Love your races for this.
Girl #3 for me. I always love a cavewoman with lipstick.
OMG....I'll take the hottie in the heels, I might stand a chance of crossing the finish line ahead of her, unless she leans forward...then she beats me big time I think...
So what are the rules Nancy...I'll be in on this race, I've heard the first one was great.....
I looked back and saw that enteries opened way back on April 1, I pray that the race hasn't closed....eyeing a midnight start...those early race starts are lonely but the clock at the end looks great!!!!
Right beside the cavemen is your picture of you the cave girl...great picture... go Runner!
i was a caveman for halloween my sophomore year of high school...i may have to try and dig up that picture!
i'm running a marahton that day, so the last 6.2 is my 10K! Thanks for the motivation!
I'd have to choose the slowest pacer, which one is her/him?
Enjoyed seeing your pics! They are awesome and you look gawgeous as ever!
Put me down for one cavewoman pacer please. Yowza!! :-)
You know what? I am going to take 2 of number 1. If I run in between 2 chicks that look like that then people might think I look better then I do. :>D
Hi Nancy, so OK what do you we here? Pick one and put in my blog? I know, its just pretend right?? Guess what, today i ran 1 hour and 7 min! I think it was a little under 6 miles! So, now i have the confidence i need to complete the 10K! :OO)
Where do you find these things they are great! BTW love your previous pics - so cute! Looks like Florida was a fun time :)
I think any of these will motivate me since they're too darn scary!
Half of them I would be running away from and the other half I would be running after...I'll let you figure out which is which. ;-)
Yeah girl....where IS Captain Caveman?
I bet he'd set some pace! hehe
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