Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I'm Officially Back

3 miles on the treadmill today. I took it pretty sloooooww, and still had some twinges of pain left over from the parvo virus, but I'm ecstatic to be running again.

3 miles ~ 39:03
Virus...meet my club. (click on picture to see demo!)

15 minutes toning with bands
( I need some help here - I pulled up a website and started doing some recommended exercises and snapped two of the bands. Do they get old? I thought the point was that they stretch and don't break, how could I possibly break two of them? Do they come in different lengths? They looked short compared to what the model was using -- like smurf sized. That was for you, Jess. :D Any help appreciated here. I decided I want to keep them at my desk and incorporate them into my day. Well the one that is left!)

25 seconds per side - side planks
(it's hard to side plank with a cuddly golden retriever trying to snuggle up to you.)
5 minutes of dog wrestling ensued.


Tri+Umph said...

Woohooo, she's back! And I love the animated virus smashin' Nancy!

RunToTheFinish said...

You are clearly too strong for bands. we are going to start calling you Shera

E said...

Yay for running again! I'm with Amanda - you are too strong for bands.

Viv said...

I love the lil animation, too cute!
I have no idea about band workouts. I heard they are really goo, but I am scared of ya with all that strength :-) Time to get 1/2 ton barbells for yourself.

akshaye said...

Back with the humor :) I love the animation!

Unknown said...

Dog wrestling is so underrated as exercise. ;-) Glad to hear you are back at it.

Deene said...

unless you're a giant, maybe the bands were the physical therapy type for arms only. i've seen short ones for wrist therapy.

planks are tough, you sound like you're back in action.

Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

Welcome Back Nanc ... and dang that's a serious club swing you have :-)

Bill Carter said...

Hi Nancy

PV is nasty and I am glad you are doing better... great splits btw. I can't wait for us to get a dog in the spring and despite having 2 goldens in a row, the votes are in and we are getting a chocolate lab.

I have never heard of those bands weakening over time and would have to attribute the breakage to "user abuse". You must just be too strong:-)

Thanks for checking in on me and I'll be back this week.. If only we didn't need sleep and there were 36 hour days...

Sunshine said...

Sweet to have such good help from Dog! Good to hear you are well and tough enough to break bands in a single bound.

Marcy said...

WHOOO HOOOOOO Nancy!! It's good to see you officially back! I'm LMAO at your Meez. You know, when I saw that animation option on the site awhile back, I INSTANTLY thought of you LOL

Unknown said...

Dog wrestling can be fun!

My Life said...

Ohhh thanks for my first laugh-out-loud of the day. If I do ever get to meet you in person you are SO doing that club move!! ;)

&& cute about the planks and snuggly Golden. Lucy our Pug never understands why I don't want her rotten squeaky hedgehog in my face whenever I'm doing abs!

Wes said...

I hereby anoint Plank Goddess :-)

onepinkfuzzy said...

yay, you're back!

Nat said...

I"m doing the three cheers she's back. I love that visual. Love it. That's going to be me this weekend 18 times as I mark off the miles.


P.O.M. said...

Club that poopy virus!
Glad you're "beatin" it! ha ha. get it?

J said...

Yea! She's back! You beast! You broke your bands? Now we know who the real beast is. Especially with that scary club in your hands. Ha! Love your meez.

Midwest said...

Yay for Cave Girl!

Jess said...

Yay! Welcome back!

Robert Barker said...

nothing wrong with the bands, you are just very strong. :)

Single said...

Dog! That sounds more fun than a side plank.

Vickie said...

Woo hoo, and just in time for more snow! The bands do get old and can break, although I've never had one do that yet.

Lily on the Road said...

Glad to hear you are back in action Nancy.

I just officially started back training for the Ottawa Marathon last night!

My cat tries to help me with my yoga stretches, everyone wants to get in on the action....

Keep up the good work


Razz said...

"Back in the saddle again. Out where a friend is a friend..." Good for you! As for the bands: lay off the HGH. :p

Stuart said...

Hi welcome back. Yes the bands can fail ironically from over or under use. You can buy boxes of them of different lengths with nice handles by Reebok in Target or you can go to a physiotherapy shop and they will cut you a length, no handle obviously. I have black Therabands, they are color coded for stretchiness, www.thera-bandacademy.com/and use them for adductor and abductor execises, happy stretching!

zanne said...

yay! glad you are back! i swear, i cannot get on the floor to do planks, crunches or stretches without my dog coming over & thinking i am on the floor to play with her.

L*I*S*A said...

I was right there with you on the treadmill for three miles. Mine were a bit slower, but I had just awakened for the day, so I need a bit more time. Tee hee...

Great job!

chia said...

I know all about the animal plank inhibitor. Gizmo the cat will climb up my legs and decide to camp out on my back when doing planks. Such a meanie.

Unknown said...


Gotta Run..... said...

Yes you are strong and yes the bands do get old. they dry out so be careful adn replace them now. We could nto want you to get hurt!!

Glad your back! just in time for the 9 on 9!!

Shelley said...

Ok, did the side planks. Your next meez needs a whip! You are the task master! But thanks for that.

jahowie said...

I'm glad that you are back!! I think that we should be testing you for steroids though......breaking not one, but two bands. Wow!!! :-)

GB said...

Welcome back Nancy. Stay healthy!

J~Mom said...

Welcome back!! The bands that I have are totally adjustable. They pull them off of a roll, cut them and tie them. So you could make them longer or shorter.

Marathoner in Training said...

I knew it already, welcome back officially.

Steve Stenzel said...

Nice workouts!!!

Sonia said...

Great job Nancy! And it less than 2h!! Woohoo.

I finished in 1h43 and you can find my race report here:

Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Nice job Nancy welcome back. I always have to battle the dogs when I do my core workouts. I wouldn't change it for the world.