Friday, November 16, 2007

Hills, Hips and Shirts

I did some hill work yesterday and also visited PT guy.

.75 mile warm up
5 X 60 - 90 seconds running up the hill outside my door.

In the "I need your help category" :

Is this enough to start? I notice some soreness that tells me it is for now. Should I be striving for longer hills and more reps? How long? How many? I didn't have time to run after but I was wondering, when I do this, is this the workout for the day or should I be doing more running before or after? Appreciate your advice on this one.

PT guy is still trying to figure me and my hip out. It hurts most of the time, and especially after I get up from sitting and a lot after a run. He is now strongly suspecting it is a problem with my back as this is the most common place for referred pain. I have a two week plan for more specific strengthening after which time we will decide if we should get a picture of the back.

On to something really cool regarding our virtual race, 8 on the 8th -- Race Co-Director, Vickie, volunteered to find a shirt guy who will print us up some shirts. Head on over to her blog to read about it and decide if you want one. You can always take the logo picture and send it off to Running Banana or Zazzle and get something made on your own. But, if you are interested in getting the official shirt, let Vickie know!!! I will also be providing pictures of shirts I made on Running Banana and Zazzle's site so that you can post a "virtual shirt" for the "virtual race" if you like, but I know there a lot of people who would also like the "actual shirt". YEAH VICKIE for coming through!! :D


akshaye said...

cool.. we got t-shirts also!

those hill reps look good. You may want a longer warm up. And between the reps walk down the hill... running down isn't of much use.

Nat said...

I'm still thinking on the t-shirt thing.

On the hips. I found massage (like an RMT) really helped me. Now they do need to knead your butt. (I have more hip stiffness worse if I do too much kickboxing.)

I also found some good hip yoga stretches that help.


zanne said...

ooh! you have been busy girl ... have missed so many posts. on the hills: yeah, i'd do a longer warmup. but mostly what i wanted to say was this: i'm no expert - but i have had my share of hip & back issues ... i'd lay off the hills entirely until that gets worked out. thats my two cents of completly unsolicited advice. in the meantime, for the pain - tennis ball is great! roll on it. it will be fairly excrutiating. in a good, maybe this is squishing the pain out way.

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

So glad we have an op for shirts--that will make the virtual part seem more actual.

Keep up the work with the PT. The challenge is continuing the exercises when not seeing results--or even when seeing them. After you strengthen in a few weeks, treat yourself to some new lipstick.

zanne said...

hey nancy ... if i remember correctly, the hill work was incorporated into a run ... so i'd run 2 or 3 miles to the hill, do my repeats & then run the 2 or 3 home. so - its part of the run ... i guess as opposed to driving to a hill to just run the repeats & drive home. does that make sense?

Bill Carter said...

Hills are a great thing to add to your running regimen. They will definitely make your legs stronger on race day and the hills you face will not take as much out of you.
Nancy, I would start really conservatively on hill training. I think there is even more risk of injury with hills than speedwork. Definitely not more than 1 day a week and incorporate it into a usual training run.
I am proud to say that I will be doing your 8 on the 8th.

Marcy said...

I agree with Bill (LOL) Whatever he says about hills since he's the pro ;-) He's also going to smoke us all in the 8 on the 8th. Dang!

Christie said...

Take it easy on that hip. Maybe some yoga will help?

P.O.M. said...

I'm in for the shirt. Left V a message.

Ok, now this hip bull$h1T is getting old. I'm in PT 2x a week trying to get it settled. They work on my feet, butt, back. Actually my last 2 runs were so much better. So whatever they're doin' seems to be working. I just think that if any little "thing" is off, your running gets totally screwed. How do those professional people manage this stuff??

Vickie said...

Nancy, I have to wonder if you are out of alilgnment? Been there, done that. I can get out of alignment on a sneeze so I do go regularly to a chiro. It really has been the best thing I've invested in for maintenance. I can skip the usual monthly massages even with a once a month chiro appt. (and now my insurance is even going to cover it! Yeah!)

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

I am with Vickie - it can't hurt to try the chiro in addition to the PT.

Nat said...

Ran across your link on Sunshine's page. Hope your hip gets better. Bodies do strange things when training for long races!

Unknown said...

My hip and knees have been bothering me. I probably should go see a PT person. sigh.

J~Mom said...

I hope your hip feels better soon. I heart the PT Guy. :>)

The Laminator said...

Hip Pain = Bad
PT Guy = Good
Warm Up for 2miles, run hills, then cool down for 2 miles = Really Good.
This = My Two Cents.

Good Luck Nancy. Looking forward to running with you on the 8th.

PNW Runner said...

Good luck with the hip issue, I know how frustrating that can be.

Michelle said...

I'm still thinking on the T-shirt thing, as well. I want one, it's just that $ is so tight for us right now with the holidays. Bad timing, ya know?

Earlier this year, I had horrible issues with my hip. Turns out my spine was horribly out of alignment and the result was agonizing pain in my hip due to pinched nerves and the like. I have been seeing a chiropractor religiously now, and I have had no hip problems in months. Hope you're able to feel better soon!

Scott McMurtrey said...

hey i'll have to check out those shirts. sounds great.

hills...i think what you're doing now is a good place to be right now. you can definitely build on that. i really like hills, though, so maybe my advice isn't the one you should listen too. :)

Bob - said...

Happy Turkey Day Weekend!!