Monday, January 19, 2009

Here's the Dealio

Hey Everybody I Miss Like Crazy -

I finally have some news to share. Here is what I know...

  • I've mostly been trying to keep the hip and back quiet by not aggravating them much.

  • My hip pain doesn't really change but the back was flaring some in Nov/Dec so I was just going to PT to survive it.

  • I continued to pursue care with an orthopedic guy. We tried ultrasound with drug, full course of anti-inflammatories, core work, etc.

  • Finally, when these weren't working at all, we moved on to the MRI's.

  • My back MRI shows 2 degenerative discs but no real complications.

  • If I can keep them in check with core work and knowing my limits, I can exercise!

  • My hip MRI shows a real injury, a labral tear, but no real complications.

  • I have had this pain in my hip since around August of 07!!

  • The good news is that this is an injury that can be repaired, not some condition or disease that I have to live with for the rest of my life. I'M NOT CRAZY EITHER! It really was NOT RIGHT. I kept saying it doesn't hurt THAT bad, but something in there is NOT RIGHT. I'm so glad I continued to pursue and my doc was willing to continue to pursue until we had some answers.

  • I suppose this is a new and unique excuse for my eternal slowness. :D

  • The bad news is that it will require surgery to fix, crutches, rehab, etc.

  • I am meeting with a surgeon on Feb 2.

  • Also, I can't really make the tear worse so I am free to exercise until surgery!

  • I went yesterday and did 20 min elliptical, planks, pushups, situps and jogged 1 mile.

  • Yes, I jogged one mile!! YEAH.

  • I think I was the biggest girl there. :P Everyone looked just amazing. Geez, I am so jealous of everyone and how little I can do and how pathetic I looked.

  • Despite this really mild sounding work out, I was light-headed and spent. So sad. I have so far to go. I was going to swim too, but didn't think it would be a good idea with already being light-headed.

  • I'm going to try to put some really meaningful exercise in until I get this surgery going.

  • I am trying to remember how fast it can come back with some diligence.

  • Appreciate your cheers, prayers, words of wisdom, etc, whatever your inclination, as I may need some major support through surgery and trying to make a comeback to some running.


C said...

So glad you finally figured out what the problem is, but sorry it needs surgery. It's all right though, you'll be back on your feet in no time.

Good luck and best wishes for a most speedy recovery.

Nat said...

Oh I'm glad you finally found answers -- I'm glad it can be fixed. And mostly, I'm glad you're running again!!!

Let us know what the surgeon says.

Jess said...

So glad to hear it's something that can be fixed, even thought it requires surgery. Glad to hear you can keep moving until Feb. though!

Marcy said...

Ooohhh Nanc it's so good to see you :-) I'm glad you finally got some answers AND it can be fixed! YAY!! Here's to some surgery and a speedy recovery! ;D ;D

Wes said...

Yay! We have answers and a plan of action. That is HUGE :-) I will be excitedly awaiting your full recovery!

Jess said...

I'm glad you finally got some answers, and that the hip pain can be fixed. It does suck that you have to endure surgery for it, but it is fixable, like you said.

Glad to hear from you, and best of luck as you prepare for surgery!

Unknown said...

I'm just so glad that you found the answer and you can do something about it. I'm betting that once you have that surgery and recover, you are going to be running all over the place.

Good luck!

RoadBunner said...

I'm glad to hear you've pegged down the problem and that there is a solution!!

RoadBunner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RunToTheFinish said...

So glad you finally just have some answers! That all by itself can be such a huge relief. I know you'll have the dedicate to recover and come back strong!

Pat said...

good luck, we want our cavegirl back in action.

Kevin said...

Glad to hear you finally got the information you needed, even though it isnt the best news. Hope the surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery

J~Mom said...

I miss you!!!!!!! So happy that you found out what was wrong!!!

teacherwoman said...

I have been wondering where you have been. Glad to hear that you figured out what the problem is AND that it is fixable. Sorry to hear that you need surgery, however. Keep us posted, chica!

audgepodge said...

Yay - Nancy is back! It's great that now you know the problem so that you can go and fix it. Hope you still check in with the running blogs. During my running breaks, it always helps me to check in with my google reader and see how inspiring all these running bloggers are!

Unknown said...

It's always good to have knowledge about a problem. Glad you found some answers.

Andrew is getting fit said...

2 on the 2nd? :) Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear they now have an answer for you!

Best Wishes Nancy, we miss you tons!


J said...

Good to hear from you Nancy, I hope you will be all fixed soon! Hang in there and try not to get frustrated. In time you will be past this.

Amy said...

Must be a relief to finally get answers - good luck with the road ahead and hang in there!

Jennifer Burgett said...

Good to "see" you back on the blog!!!!

Hope your pain goes away soon!

My Life said...

Ohhh Nancy. I'm glad I made the return to blogging in time to catch this!! SO GLAD you persisted with your doctor about something that just wasn't right. No one knows our bodies like we do!

Way to get in and continue with the workouts... the stronger you are going into surgery the better, right!? Hug!

Jamie said...

Something that can be fixed - what a relief! I'm glad you finally got some answers. Here's to a speedy recovery!!! Be sure to keep us up to date on all your progress:)

Ax said...

Hooray for answers! I'm glad to hear that it's nothing too serious and that it can be repaired. I hope everything goes well for you, and good luck with the surgery and recovery!

E said...

I am glad you are making some progress, and hope that surgery brings you back to 100% and gets you out there running again. :)

Michelle said...

Hello girl i missed you like crazy!!! I am glad to see you posting....i am here for you whenever you need to vent or talk or whatever!!!

Take care and keep on blogging girlie!!!

Sonia said...

These are very encouraging news!! So happy you finally got answers and are on your way to be all fixed up and ready to go. Great news Nancy!

BTW I am sure you're not the biggest girl!

Unknown said...

Will be sending well wishes your way during surgery and recovery. Take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear an update from you, and I hope everything works out for you. Please keep us updated throughout your healing process!

Run For Life said...

Oh yay you posted! I'm glad you have some answers and I hope everything goes smoothly from here on out. I'm sure you'll do great with getting back into an exercise routine - just keep plugging away. :)

renae said...

Oh good!! I'm so happy that it is something you can fix! It's so good to hear from you again - good luck!!!

Vava said...

Wow, that's a lot to overcome, but I'm sure you'll do it! Good luck!!!

Unknown said...

Wow...good and bad news. I guess the most important thing is that you WILL be fixed!

Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Thanks for the update. Best of luck on the 2nd with the Dr.

Kristina said...

So relieved that you got a diagnosis and that the problem is treatable. Sending you good vibes for a quick and easy recovery. (and thanks for the FB wall post last week!)

Laura N said...

What a relief to know what's wrong. Good luck with surgery!! You will do great. PMA does wonders for recovery.

"We have the technology....we can rebuild her." :)

Cindy said...

Glad you found out what's wrong. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Pokey said...

HUGS Nanc!! I am happy that you finally got some answers...even if they arent always the best. I am glad everything can be *fixed*'ll be good as new in no time :)

Until then, hang in there. Miss you tons!!! :)

sRod said...

Hang in there Nanc! Still thinking about you and your bat on my runs.

Carly said...

I am glad you got some answers. Bummer about the surgery but at least they are going to fix you up to be able to run again.

We missed you around here!

Viv said...

Nanc, I am so glad there is a game plan in line to get my girl back to good. Thinking of you....

Shelley said...


I am so glad you are still here! I tried to look at your blog yesterday and it wouldn't come up and I feared you were no longer a blogger! NOOOOO!

I miss you and hope everything goes well with your surgery and recovery.

Sunshine said...

Surgery! Good to know what you need, though.
Best wishes for that.. and the days following. Hoping it is a fabulous success.

Database Diva said...

Hi Nancy,

Thank goodness they found something that can be fixed, even if it means surgery. And 3 cheers for being able to exercise until then. Anything you can do to improve your strength will speed your recovery.

I know how tough it is to make a comeback. The brain remembers how things were, but the rest of the body is starting from scratch. Best wishes!

akshaye said...

Good luck and wish you a speedy recovery. I want my fav race director back!

Anonymous said...

I've been having hip pain for about 2 years and recently starting doing research on it (i normally pretend it's not there even if I have tears in my eyes). Anyway, hip labrel (sp?) tear fits all of my issues. Did anything really stick out to you?

Mendy said...

Wow. didn't know you figured out the issues you've been having. Like everyone else, glad it can be fixed! Hang in there. Keep your spirits up too! I know you will.

Unknown said...

Best wishes with surgery and stuff. Having a diagnosis is powerful though. Good stuff.

prashant said...

It's all right though, you'll be back on your feet in no time.
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