Thursday, December 4, 2008

This Just In

Guy Who Does A Lot of Hips (also known as Ortho Guy) is completely perplexed. He cannot put a label on it or give me much of a plan.

On to an MRI tomorrow morning. Wish me luck and think very still thoughts. 45 minutes is a long time.

May be some answers soon??!!


Ewen said...

Good luck on staying still for that long! I hope Ortho Guy comes up with an answer.

Kristina said...

Good luck tomorrow, Nancy. I was worried about holding still in the MRI for my knee and then when I was in there, I realized it was the most peace I'd had since the birth of my child. The time flew by.

Amy said...

Good luck Nancy, hope it all works out and that you get some answers soon. Enjoy the holidays!

Jess said...

I hope you get answers, Nancy! This is just ridiciulous.

Marcy said...

Good luck Nancy! I hope they figure something :-)

Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Best of luck to you Nancy. I can't imagine sitting still for that long.

Brooke said...

Aww man! That seems to be the way of things with bone/joint pains though. Seems there're so many ways our bodies can give us tweaks and creaks and aches and twinges and the doctors just can't always figure it out!

Unknown said...

I hope you get some answers soon.

Midwest said...

Sending lots of love and healing vibes your way, Nancy.

Wes said...

Yay! let us know.

Jamie said...

Way to hang in there. I hope you get answers soon - this is crazy!

Bob - said...

Good luck Nanc on your MRI keep us posted.

E said...

Good luck - we'll be thinking of you!

Razz said...

Hope they get you straightened out soon. Relatively speaking, of course!

Miss ya!

Sonia said...

I hate when they have no clue what you have but can't relieve the pain... which is a little what is going on for me!

I am being sent for a MRI but in the Canadian health Care systems that means in 6-9 months I'll have the appts..... yay...

Keep us posted if yours turn out with smth! Keep the faith Nancy that's why I am trying to do to!!

Viv said...

Nanc, I hope the MRI can start to bring some answers. I hope you were as still as my boobs in a new tight Enell.

Database Diva said...

Hey Nancy, my heart goes out to you. I know how frustrating it is to be miserable and have the doctor not know what is going on.

Kevin said...

Hopefully the MRI will help the doctors give you an answer

Sunshine said...

oh absolutely wishing you good luck...hoping you are getting answers.

nwgdc said...

Be SURE you go potty first! 45 minutes is a really long time with a full bladder :)

Good Luck!

Michelle said...

Good luck Nancy!!

Please let us know what you find out from the MRI!!!

Miss ya girlie!!!

Lily on the Road said...

I do hope everything worked out okay Nancy!

C said...

So, how are we doing on the answers now? Anything? Bueller?

Running Ragged said...

Thinking about you...hope the MRI brought some answers.

J~Mom said...

I hope you have some answers!!! We all miss you!

Mendy said...

Good luck. Hope everything works out for you. So sorry you're going through all of this.

Brianna said...

I hope Ortho Guy was able to find an answer with the MRI. I remember holding still for a knee MRI when I was 12 - that was hard! I hope it went well!

Nitmos said...

I hope you had good results from the MRI!

Unknown said...

Pls let us know how things are going. I hope you are getting answers so they know what to do to help you with the pain.


Bill Carter said...

Sorry I'm late to the "Well Wisher Party".

Best of luck Nancy and your certainly deserve some good news.

Hope you are having some great holidays with the boys.

Jamie said...

Any news? How did it all go?

Happy Holidays!!!