Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Polar Bear Run

Tuesday ~
Treadmill run
3 miles ~ 37:21 ~ 12:27
Food lifestyle change (IT'S NOT A DIET) is going strong.

Wednesday ~
Polar Bear Run
3 miles ~ around 32 minutes? probably more... I don't run that fast!!

Remember this beautiful lake? Yeah. That was October. I went back there today to run with Art and Amy. I've never met Art, I honestly thought he might be a figment of Amy's imagination. :D He's living and breathing and he's actually quite funny and fun.

The conversation to decide to go has been hilarious. "It's supposed to be cold. Are we still going or should we postpone a week?" "WE HAVE TO GO!" "It will allow me to say, 'I'm not fat, just layered.'" "Do you think we could all just fit on my treadmill?" "Can you say POLAR BEARS?" "Does anyone mind an inch of snow?" "It's snowing like a banshee, this is going to be fun!"

It's freezing cold and snowing like crazy, but we're all dying to get a decent run in and to do it together, plus I wanted to see if Art was real. We all got to the lake in good time. Guess what, there are other crazy runners there too and some families out on the ice skating. That's just weird to see! Amy snapped a quick pic and off we went. Had to shuffle a little in the spots that had ice under the snow, but for the most part, it was pretty good. We had snow all over us, even in our eyelashes. I felt like a kid out playing!!

Great conversation, great company, great fun. Let's see, topics of conversation ranged from: little kids are stinky, do your kids sleep in your bed? a drop shipment of Viagra and a few others!! I probably would never have gone in the first place but they also kept me going at about 2.25 - 2.5 when I wanted to quit. The last .5 felt great. Yeah for friends that run. We need to do this more often.

My favorite line of the evening? "Now Nancy, is that LIPSTICK you are wearing?" :D


Tri+Umph said...

Nothing like good friends to give you a jump start when you need it!

Way to go Nancy (and Amy and Art)!

You know what you rock off.

Nat said...

I like running alone I do. But once with the right people it can so much fun.

Sounds like a great run! :)

J said...

Sounds like a great run. You crack me up with your lipstick!

Bev said...

Don't you just love winter, NO! This cold stuff is a beating. Way to suck it up Nancy!

Bill Carter said...

Wish I could have been there.. I have always thought that it is a very funny thing to be out running with people skating on the frozen ice. When I run the Paint Creek Trail in winter time there are always people skating on the ponds and for some reason I always start laughing.. I know huge dork.
Glad you guys had a great time and relieved to hear that Art is real.

Say "HI" to Amy for me.

Viv said...

Nice fun run with good conversation, can't beat those!
I'm new to your blog, so the lipstick is that one thing you can not leave without? Mine is mascara, I feel nekid :-D
Way to keep going strong with the lifestyle change!!

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Thanks again for the run. I know I told you once, but on the way home I just couldn't help smiling. It was so relaxing.

Patty said...

Have you heard about YAKTRAX PRO? They are a traction device that fits over the bottom of your shoe so you can run on ice and snow without slipping. I got some for my nighttime trail race this weekend, used them for the first time last Tuesday, and was truly amazed at how well they worked. I didn't slip once in five miles!

Get some so if you need to freshen your lipstick while running you won't slip and end up with it on your cheek along with your lips.

Marathoner in Training said...

Now that sounds fun, However what is snow and ice? I still run in shorts and t-shirt :) Could I run in snow in shorts, or would I have to buy some pants? Glad the run went well, keep it up.

Topher said...

Is that the lake on Fleur Drive just south of downtown? I've run that loop when in DM on business and really enjoyed it. Wish I'd known all of you guys "existed" then and we could have done some group runs. I used to go there once a month, but no longer.

Topher said...

Is that the lake on Fleur Drive just south of downtown? I've run that loop when in DM on business and really enjoyed it. Wish I'd known all of you guys "existed" then and we could have done some group runs. I used to go there once a month, but no longer.

Wes said...

Isn't it just great that what some people would think is just yucky weather to run in can be such fun! Awesome!! You ROOOOOOCK :-)

Jess said...

You and your lipstick -- you're so funny!

Marcy said...

"a drop shipment of Viagra" ROFLMAO! Ohhh my, my, my! I would have liked to be in on that convo!

Michelle said...

Brrrr! That looks cold!!

Glad you had a good run with your peeps!! :-)

Nitmos said...

These are the kind of days that make summer running seem light and easy. My theory? You gain at least 5 seconds per mile for every layer of clothing that comes off by summer.

RunToTheFinish said...

I....would not have gone, you are better person!

Deene said...

snowy runs are the best, even better at night with headlamps. keep having fun!

Lori said...

I am so impressed. I agree that these are the runs that make the rest of the year feel like a piece of cake :)

Midwest said...

I also wear makeup when I go running. Almost always.

P.O.M. said...

HOly crap. That looks too cold for POM.

I love friends that run :)

Laura N said...

I always envy the runners out there in the freezing cold or rain. I used to think they were crazy people--now I know they are true runners with iron wills who run no matter what.

In the Feb Runner's World, there's a great article on Ryan Shay, the marathon Olympic hopeful who died in NY... it said he never ever missed a run, regardless of the weather. He was famous for running through blizzards.

Lipstick on a run--you are my hero! (I don't go anywhere without something pretty on my mouth, either. =)

My Life said...

Oooooh my goodness! All that snow - you are one hardcore lady! And I love, love the lipstick part! ;) Back when I was working & traveling to all the crazy 3 world countries - long hours, sweating and nasty dirty... one of my co-workers looked at me and yelled - you cannot be wearing lipgloss right now! ;) She later gave me a magnet that says... "Slap on a little lipstick - you'll be fine". It's soooo my mantra now!

J~Mom said...

I love the lipstick!!! That is great!

Don't you know that is way too cold for running?

kate said...

Yay! I love running in weather like that, especially with good company. It just makes me feel more alive or something!

Jamie said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! You (Amy and Art) are much braver than I for facing the elements. Way to get out there!!

Unknown said...

Nice! THat's what I need, some friends to push/pull me out the door. Instead, my friends all agree..."It's too cold outside!" Sigh.

Unknown said...

Nice! THat's what I need, some friends to push/pull me out the door. Instead, my friends all agree..."It's too cold outside!" Sigh.

Mendy said...

Wow! That's pure dedication. I don't know if I could sum up enough courage to run in that daily. That's crazy! It snowed last night here and this morning, and that's probably all we'll see all winter. It just doesn't snow that much here, and I ran today in it (sort of). It was all cleaned up, but can't imagine doing it everyday.

I just caught up on your blog. I'm been MIA for a while. You know - that whole RnR Half I did and all... but I just wanted to say I really enjoy reading your blog and can so relate to you on so many levels.

ws said...

so that is what winter looks like in the midwest... sounds like a great run and I think snow in the eyelashes is better than sand caked on my face on windy days. have a good day Nancy...

Pokey said...

HOLY SNOW BATMAN!!! You are one serious Polar Bear!!!!

Tee hee....lipstick :)

Vickie said...

Great job getting out there! I would get out more often if I had someone to run with too! Takes your mind off the misery. Or maybe its misery loves company? Anyway, keep it up!

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