Thursday, January 10, 2008


Not so good: flight delayed, sun setting as we arrived at hotel around 4:30.

Pretty good: did pretty make it to Las Vegas eventually, did well on the diet today AND worked out at the Flamingo gym when we arrived.

2 miles ~ 24:20
.5 miles ~ walking
1 mile ~ some weird skater thing that looked like a stairstepper but actually included sort of a side to side gliding motion. Very strange.
Not so good: I hated the view in all those mirrors. I have definitely been in so much denial.

Pretty good: I rocked some planks and did some weights.
Very cool: my sprint wireless card. just installed.

Fan-freaking tastic: THE POKER. I sat down with $100 (hubby spotted me so it wasn't even like it was my money! Well, I guess it still is.... anyway, I just left the tables with $413!!!!) I managed to get a royal flush in clubs that paid $150 on the high hand. Played very respectably the rest of the evening and managed to have some good luck.

The fireworks are either for the hand or for the enormous flutter that was going on in my chest as the hand unfolded. I thought people might actually be able to see my heart beating, I was so excited to see that last card.


Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Hope the rest of your stay is as good as yesterday.

If you do have a little too much fun and add a pound or two on your stay, remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Tri+Umph said...

Way to go Nancy!

Do we get celebration presents? ;)

jahowie said...

I'm glad that you are having fun!!

Marathoner in Training said...

Good job Nancy, now you can get a personal trainer for the day :) Have them set you up on a fitness schedule. I mentioned Iowa in my latest blog.

Jess said...

Nice job on the winnings Nancy!

My Life said...

Sounds like a fab way to start your little get-away! Play some roulette for me will ya?!

RunToTheFinish said...

Awesome!! Rock out that vacation.

Topher said...

Sounds like a fun day! I'm headed out there for work at the end of February, so hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in some runs. I'll be there the same week as the Red Rock Canyon Marathon and 1/2 Mary, but unfortunately the event I'm going there to host is during the weekend. Otherwise I'd totally run it.

Deene said...

much more luck to you!

Michelle said...

Yeah!!! Poker rocks!!!!

I found the last time I went to a casino that I much preferred card games to slot machines, although I only played slots in the past. I actually won money on the card games after losing just about every cent on stupid slots.

Hope Lady Luck continues to smile down on you!!!

J~Mom said...

$400? I would not be blogging, I would be at the mall! :>)

P.O.M. said...

Sweet poker hand.

P.O.M. said...

PS: Yeah- the boys always seem to have more fun. I was tyring to be healthy and responsible. HMPH. So much for that!

akshaye said...

Sweet! Another couple of hours and you can pay for the trip and all your 2008 races :)

Lori said...

What a great vacation! Keep it up :)

Viv said...

Yaa, on the poker and the workout! Way to go, keep enjoying and winning!!