Friday, January 4, 2008

A Good Reminder

Before I set some goals, some things to think about. My gift to you from Anthony Robbins.

Each New Year brings change:
  • New Commitments to your health.
  • Renewed dedication to the people you love.
  • New focus on how to spend your time.
These changes can sometimes feel frustrating, if not overwhelming at times. As you work to accomplish more in less time, don't lose sight of that you are in this world for a reason -- a magnificent one. Remember you set the rules for yourself. You are limited by nothing. It's time to create a masterpiece. It's time to celebrate and give more of yourself.

The 12 Tenets for Conscious Living in the New Year. You may just ponder these or one could change your life.

Live a life of service.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others. Mahatma Ghandi

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
We need lots of love to forgive but we need much more humility to ask for forgiveness. Mother Theresa

Be Kind.
Life is short, but there is always time for courtesy. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Be Remarkable.
Shoot for the moon. If you miss, you'll land among the stars. Les Brown

Seek Unity.
Interdependence is and ought to be as much an ideal of man as self sufficiency. Mahatma Ghandi

Strive for Wisdom.
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. Immanuel Kant

Be Grateful.
When you are grateful, fears disappear and abundance appears. Tony Robbins

Think Critically.
The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. Albert Einstein

Be Brave.

You must do the thing you think you cannot. Eleanor Roosevelt

Be Humble.
Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself. Blaise Pascal

Be Creative.
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve not by the desire to beat others. Ayn Rand

Be Present.
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. Anne Frank


Jess said...

Very wise advice Nancy-san.

Nat said...

Terry Fox, now there is inspiration on long runs. I am doing a "mere" 12,13, 16 miles.... he cross the Canada -- on one leg.

I liked this. Thanks.

Laura N said...

Great quotes. My fav is the grateful one from AR. He is so wise.

Marathoner in Training said...

What an inspirational post :)
I always thought that if you aim for the moon and miss you will hit an eagle, if you aim for an eagle and miss you will hit the ground. Ok, it went something like that, one of those motovational speakers from peta or somewhere. Keep up the running, at least the media has moved on to other grounds.

akshaye said...

Great post. I love those quotes.

Marcy said...

Awesome post Nancy! Where was #1 during Christmas time? LOL

P.O.M. said...

I would never flip you the bird my dear nancy-san (I like that Jess).

My Life said...

Ohhh thank you for this. As soon as I find our printer I am so printing this out! ;)

The Laminator said...

You always find the best ways to inspire us to be better than what we think we're capable of. Thanks Nancy!

Laura said...

Thanks so much! Those are great to think about as we make our New Year's resolutions and try to better ourselves in 2008.

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Wonderful list and reminder.

Gotta Run..... said...

These all hit home... great reminders to push for more. Thanks Nancy!

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring

Bob - said...

Great Words Nanc...Thanks!!!

Scott McMurtrey said...

very nice post. thanks. :)

ws said...

a very appropriate tag for this post. thanks Nancy. Hope you had a good weekend.

Bill Carter said...

Thanks Nancy

In the couple minutes that it took me to read your blog, you put a smile on my face and made me want to do better things.

My favorite is the quote about being grateful. We have so much that all too often we take it for granted.

Best of luck to you and your family in '08!

J~Mom said...

Wonderful post!! Thank you for sharing it!!

Hey, what is the lipstick you swear by? I wanted to get some. :>)

teacherwoman said...

Great post! :)

jahowie said...

Very nice quotes to live by. :-)

Lori said...

Beautiful post :)

Unknown said...

nice post. :)

Reluctant Runner said...

Thank you for this, Nancy, especially the beautiful picture of Terry Fox. Amazing to think that he ran a marathon every day for 143 days.

You are an inspiration, as always!